aYce Logic
This site is for business consultancy on the bullet points below, covering many aspects of media/technical/scientific industrys. Particularly Project/Product Management, and Team building to enable both bespoke and traditional largely scalable infrastructure solutions.

Process Automation/Scalability
Robotics, and Physical Environment Automation
Machine Learning/AI
Data Analytics, and Insight Management
Platform Physical/Digital Security
Web3.0/Blockchain/Crypto/Voting/Consensus Consultancy
VR/AR/3D Environment Mapping/Design
3D Design/Printing
Radio Wideband/Narrowband, and 4G/5G upcoming 6g
Quantum Systems, Exascale, GIS, GNSS
Energy Storage Grid/Offgrid Hydrogen/Solar
Enviromental/Economic Sustainable Solutions
Bespoke training Linux and OpenWRT [ Open Software/Hardware Privacy ]
CyberReview [ Waiver Required ]

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